PolyHub Reprint Library: Single Molecule Dynamics Simulation and Experiment
- *A mean field anisotropic diffusion model for unentangled polymeric liquids and semi-dilute solutions: Model development and comparison with experimental and simulation data, J.M. Kim, P.S. Stephanou, B.J. Edwards, and B. Khomami, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 166, 593-606 (2011).
- *Dynamics of individual molecules of linear polyethylene liquids under shear: atomistic simulation and comparison with a free-draining bead-rod chain, J.M. Kim, B.J. Edwards, D.J. Keffer, and B. Khomami, J. Rheol., 54, 283-310 (2010).
- *Single-chain dynamics of linear polyethylene liquids under shear flow, J.M. Kim, B.J. Edwards, D.J. Keffer, and B. Khomami, Phys. Lett. A, 373, 769-772 (2009).
- Effect of confinement on dynamics and rheology of dilute deoxyribose nucleic acid solutions. II. Effective rheology and single chain dynamics, N.J. Woo, E.S.G. Shaqfeh, and B. Khomami, J. Rheol., 48, 299-318 (2004).