PolyHub Data Archive
This utility is designed to catalog, classify, and store simulation and experimental data relevant to the PolyHub mission. All polymer dynamicists are invited to store useful data in this extensive archive for potential use by PolyHub affiliates. Use of this data is open-access to all affiliates, and may be used for individual research projects. All data generated using PolyHub resources must remain in the PolyHub Data Archive for future use by other affiliates; however, there can be granted periods of exclusive use by the data generators, as per the PolyHub Charter. Futher, use of this data implies obligations with regard to citing and acknowledging the sources of the data. Appicable restrictions and conditions of use vary with the particular data sets, and are noted in the documentation associated with each set. Data not generated using PolyHub resources may also be cataloged and stored here; however, doing thus implies open access for all affiliates.
Affiliates are encouraged to upload their experimental and simulation data to this site, using the format and catalog specifications and descriptions as stated below. Brief and informative descriptions of the archived data are of utmost importance for correct usage by others. Contact information of the responsible party should be included for effective communication. Data users must notify the data generators before downloading data for personal use, and must obey any stated restrictions on the use of such data.
Feel free to browse the data stored in the archive, and put it to use if it would benefit your research program. We have sufficient capacity to store huge data sets, such as trajectory files from long molecular dynamics simulations using small time steps. This data can then be accessed by others, for examples, to calculate additional material properties, to determine time correlations, and to use as initial or steady-state configurations for further simulations.
This utility will grow in size over the lilfetime of the PolyHub EVO. An extensive cataloging system and search mechanisms will be instituted in the near future.